Registration and E-Mail List
In order to be able to participate in the evaluation please register yourself to this form.
If you plan to participate in the evaluation campaign, please register to this e-mail list, in order to receive up-to-date information about developments in the campaign.
Google Sites Web Presence:
The detailed information on the evaluation campaign can soon be found on this google sites document.
Important Dates:
Lectures Task and Skype Task
- May 2, 2016: Release of train and dev data
- Sep. 12-19, 2016: Evaluation period ASR track
- Sep. 23-30, 2016: Evaluation period SLT track
- Sep. 30 - Oct 14, 2016: Evaluation period MT track
- Nov. 4, 2016: System description paper due
- Nov. 18, 2016: Reviewer feedback
- Nov. 30, 2016: Final paper
Contact, Evaluation Chair
- Mauro Cettolo, FBK, cettolo ∂does-not-exist.fbk eu
- Jan Niehues, KIT, jan niehues ∂does-not-exist.kit edu