Workshop Chair
Evaluation Chairs
- Mauro Cettolo, FBK
- Jan Niehues, KIT
Program Chair
Publicity Chair
Local and Financial Chair
Evaluation Committee
- Luisa Bentivogli, FBK (Human evaluation)
- Rolando Cattoni, FBK (Evaluation server)
- Mauro Cettolo, FBK (MT track)
- Marcello Federico, FBK (Human evaluation)
- Jan Niehues, KIT (SLT track)
- Sebastian Stüker, KIT (ASR track)
Program Committee
- Alexandre Allauzen, LIMSI
- Loïc Barrault, LIUM
- Luisa Bentivogli, FBK
- Laurent Besacier, LIG
- Francisco Casacuberta, PRHLT
- Mauro Cettolo, FBK
- Boxing Chen, NRC-CNRC
- Marion Di Marco, IMS
- Michael Heck, NAIST
- Markus Freitag, IBM
- Eva Haslerech, CAM
- Matthias Huck, LMU
- Yves Lepage, Waseda University
- Mohammed Mediani, KIT
- Markus Müller, KIT
- Graham Neubig, CMU
- Michael Paul, ATR-Trek
- Stephan Peitz, Apple
- Sakriani Saktissakti, NAIST
- Rico Sennrich, Univ. of Edinburgh
- Matthias Sperber, KIT
- Francois Yvon, LIMSI